Yufei (Judy) Ye 叶雨菲

I am a Postdoc in The Movement Lab (TML) at Stanford, working with Karen Liu. I obtained my PhD degree from Carnegie Mellon University, advised by Shubham Tulsiani and Abhinav Gupta. In general, I am interested in understanding the physical world from sensors (e.g. images/videos, wearable devices), especially how human interact with their surroudings in everyday life -- how to accurately perceive the interaction, how to discover patterns of interaction, how to actively interact with the world.

Prior to CMU, I recieved my B.S. in Computer Science from Tsinghua Universtiy where I worked with Shi-Min Hu, Yankui Sun. I have also spent great summers at NVIDIA LPR with Sifei Liu and Xueting Li, FAIR with Kris Kitani, and MPI-PS with Michael Black.

Email  /  CV  /  Google Scholar  /  Github  /  Twitter

profile photo
  • August 2024: PhD Defended!
  • June 2024: Co-organize a workshop MANGO at CVPR2024. Come and check out our amazing program!
  • June 2024: I gave a talk at Visual Computing and Artificial Intelligence, MPI.
  • April 2024: Started visiting at MPI-PS, Tuebingen with Michael Black.
  • Dec 2023: I gave a talk at GRASP Seminar, UPenn.
  • Nov 2023: Selected into EECS Rising Stars workshop.
  • June 2023: Presented at 3 workshops (4DHOI, 3D Scene Understanding, and RHOBIN) in CVPR2023.
  • News History
  • Oct 2023: I gave a talk at Scene from Video workshop, MIT.
  • May 2023: I gave a talk at VGG, Oxford.
  • April 2023: Proposed my thesis! PhD student life counting down.
  • April 2023: I gave a talk at Scene Representation Group .
  • Sept 2022: Received NVIDIA Graduate Fellowship (2022-2023).
  • June 2022: Presented at workshop EGO4D-EPIC in CVPR2022.
  • June 2022: I gave a talk at IVG@SZ, Tsinghua.
  • Nov 2019: I gave a talk at Energy Efficient Computing Group , Tsinghua.
  • Research
    PuzzleAvatar: Assembling 3D Avatars from Personal Albums [New]
    Yuliang Xiu, Yufei Ye, Zhen Liu, Dimitrios Tzionas, Michael J. Black
    SIGGRAPH Asia 2024
    project / code / video / arxiv / bibtex

    G-HOP: Generative Hand-Object Prior for Interaction Reconstruction and Grasp Synthesis [New]
    Yufei Ye, Abhinav Gupta, Kris Kitani, Shubham Tulsiani
    CVPR 2024
    Invited to CVPR workshop RHOBIN
    project / video / arxiv / slides / bibtex

    Diffusion-Guided Reconstruction of Everyday Hand-Object Interaction Clips
    Yufei Ye, Poorvi Hebbar, Abhinav Gupta, Shubham Tulsiani
    ICCV (Oral) , 2023
    project / code / arxiv / bibtex

    Affordance Diffusion: Synthesizing Hand-Object Interactions
    Yufei Ye, Xueting Li, Abhinav Gupta, Shalini De Mello, Stan Birchfield, Jiaming Song, Shubham Tulsiani, Sifei Liu
    CVPR, 2023
    Invited to 3 CVPR workshops (4DHOI, 3D Scene Understanding, and RHOBIN)
    Appearance in NVIDIA GTC
    project / video / arxiv / code / slides / bibtex

    What's in your hands? 3D Reconstruction of Generic Objects in Hands
    Yufei Ye, Abhinav Gupta, Shubham Tulsiani
    CVPR, 2022
    Invited to CVPR workshop EGO4D-EPIC
    project / video / arxiv / code / colab demo / slides / bibtex

    Shelf-Supervised Mesh Prediction in the Wild
    Yufei Ye, Shubham Tulsiani, Abhinav Gupta
    CVPR, 2021
    project / video / arxiv / code / poster / bibtex

    Object-centric Forward Modeling for Model Predictive Control
    Yufei Ye, Dhiraj Gandhi, Abhinav Gupta, Shubham Tulsiani
    CoRL, 2019  
    project / arxiv / poster / bibtex

    Compositional Video Prediction
    Yufei Ye, Maneesh Singh, Abhinav Gupta*, Shubham Tulsiani*
    ICCV, 2019   (* indicates equal contribution)
    project / arxiv / code / poster / bibtex

    Zero-shot Recognition via Semantic Embeddings and Knowledge Graphs
    Xiaolong Wang* Yufei Ye*, Abhinav Gupta
    CVPR, 2018   (* indicates equal contribution)
    arXiv / code / poster / bibtex

    Practical automatic background substitution for live video
    Haozhi Huang, Xiaonan Fang, Yufei Ye, Songhai Zhang, and Paul L. Rosin.
    Computational Visual Media (CVM), 2017  
    paper / bibtex

    Locating Abnormality in OCT Images with Image-level Annotation
    Yufei Ye, Yankui Sun
    Graduate Thesis, 2017  

    Reading: Differential Geometry
    Erwin Kreyszig
    notes / summary, 2020

    Reading: Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision
    Richard Hartley, Andrew Zisserman
    notes / exercise

    'TP-Link': a data explorer of the Hacker News data
    Yufei Ye*, Dongyu Jiang*, Lin Luo*, Xi Luo*, and Haoyue Shi*.
    Google Girl Hackathon, 2017   (User Experience Award)

    Somatic Game with RGB Hand Detector from scratch.
    Yufei Ye*, Binghong Chen*, and Jianxin Ma*.
    Digital Logic Design, 2016   (Best Course Project)

    Media Player on Cubieboard: Transparenting Android Bluetooth Protocols Stack for Car
    Yufei Ye*, Binghong Chen*, and Jianxin Ma*.
    Intro to Software Engineering, 2016   (Best Course Project)

  • A guest lecture in 16-895 Understanding and Critiquing Generative Computer Vision, Fall 2023.
  • 16-726 Learning-Based Image Synthesis, Spring 2021.
  • 16-824 Visual Learning and Recognition, Spring 2020.
  • Education and Experience
    I had wonderful time in several great research groups.
  • 2023.5-2023.8: FAIR,  w/ Kris Kitani
  • 2022.5-2022.8: NVIIDA LPR,  w/ Sifei Liu
  • 2021.4-2022.4: Meta AI Mentorship (previously known as FRAIM),  w/ Shubham Tulsiani
  • 2016.11-2017.6: Visualization & Image Computing Group,   w/ Yankui Sun.
  • 2015.12 - 2016.2: Yitu Technology,   w/ Yuanhao Chen.
  • 2015 - 2016.11: Graphics & Geometric Computing Group,   w/ Shi-Min Hu.
  • Selected Awards

    I am very fortunate to receive recognition along the way:

  • EECS Rising Stars (2023);
  • NVIDIA Graduate Fellowship (2022-2023);
  • Excellent Undergraduate Student by Tsinghua University (2017);
  • Outstanding Undergraduate Student by Tsinghua Computer Science Dept (2017);
  • TP-Link Scholarship (2017);
  • Singapore Technologies Engineering China Scholarship (2015, 2016, and 2017);
  • National Scholarship, by the Ministry of Education of China (2014);
  • Sports Outstanding Award, by Tsinghua Computer Science Dept (2014, 2016, and 2017);
  • Student service Excellence Award, by Tsinghua University (2016);
  • Misc

    Besides research, I'm also passionate about music and sports! I currently play at All University Orchestra at CMU. I am also an (inactive) member at CMU badminton team. Here is the fun CV about my other slices of life.

    This guy makes a nice webpage.