What's in your hands?
3D Reconstruction of Generic Objects in Hands

CVPR 2022

Yufei Ye, Abhinav Gupta, Shubham Tulsiani
Carnegie Mellon University, Meta AI

Paper Colab Notebook Code Home

Comparison on ObMan Dataset

Our approach differs from two baselines (HO[Hasson et al., 19], GF[Karunratanakul et al. 20]) in three main aspects:
1) We formulate hand-held object reconstruction as conditional inference.
2) We additionally use pixel-aligned local features.
3) We predict object in a normalized wrist frame with articulation-aware positional encoding.

Ground Truth
Our Method



@inproceedings{ye2022hand, author = {Ye, Yufei and Gupta, Abhinav and Tulsiani, Shubham}, title = {What's in your hands?3D Reconstruction of Generic Objects in Hands}, booktitle = {CVPR}, year={2022} }